Monday, December 20, 2010

HLC Back to Arizona

Friday after going to the temple, we headed back to Vonda's house and had lunch.  Then, along with the kids and David, we headed to the Portland, Oregon airport.  It's so wonderful to visit with family but so sad when the time ends and we have to leave.  The kids didn't want me to leave.  They kept asking me if I could move there or if they could jump into my suitcase so they could come with me.  Family is important and its sad that sometimes we are far apart, but we try to make the most of our time together.
Then when I got back to Arizona, I had all these plans but they got interrupted because I got sick! :(  Really sick, so sick that I passed out a couple of times and had to go to the ER.  So I ended up coming up to Lakeside so mom could help take care of me.
Here I am feeling a little better and painting the girls nails which is a tradition.  Every time Ruth or I come home, we paint the nieces' nails.  I enjoy making these small memories with them.

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