Sunday, April 14, 2013

Veggies from my garden

I love veggetables and they are kind of expensive here.  And I always try to grow a garden so I wanted to try again.  Luckily, it is quite easy to grow things here.
So I planted a garden in my backyard.  Tomaotes, hot peppers, and bell peppers (known as capiscum here).  This is the second batch of tomatoes that I've harvested.  Here is the next batch.  I made a batch of salsa from the first set of tomatoes.  From this batch of bell peppers, I made my favorite dish: Chilean chicken.  It is always good, but it seemed especially good since I grew my own veggies. There are still tomatoes growing and a few more bell peppers.  Next year, if I am still here, I will grow even more! 

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