Friday, February 26, 2010 more ways than one

I have finally subcombed to the cold that has been going around. For the last two days, I have an awful cough, sore throat and cold. I've slept more in the last two days than I've slept in a long time. AND I have to leave early tomorrow morning for Norway. I'm going to take the Foreign Service Officer exam. If I pass I will then need to pass the oral exam as well. What does this mean? Well, it would simply mean that I change the type of position for work. I'm hoping that I can pass both parts and changes positions. I want to have more challenge in my work and by changing positions, I think that I'll find it. However, getting sick couldn't have happened at a worse time :( Oh, well. Such is life. I was hoping to see some of Oslo while I'm there, but with feeling how I feel, I doubt I'll see very much. But hopefully, I'll have some pictures that I can share. Until then!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's interesting that you're so far away, and you still have the same thing we all have over here! (I think this virus IS being passed through the internet!) Everyone in AZ has had the same cold/cough/sore throat.